May 21, 2022
Streaming 6-7 p.m. PST
In Person 5-7 p.m. PST
Historic Washington Hall
153 14th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122
6-7 p.m. Streaming
Students and Youth – $15
Adults – Sliding Scale $35-$50
5-7 p.m. In Person Experience
$75 per person
5-6 p.m. Mingle and Heavy Appetizers
6-7 p.m. In Person and Streaming
Welcome Remarks: Traci and John Schneider
Remarks: Mickey Rowe (author of the acclaimed “Fearlessly Different”)
Youth Advocate Award: Remarks by PJ Âû
Remarks: Eric Pettigrew, former Member of WA House of Representatives, VP Government Relations & Outreach, Seattle Kraken
Keynote: Adana Protonentis
6:30 p.m. Auction with Sarah Mackay!
7:00 p.m. Closing Remarks followed by dessert cookies
NeurodiverseNW Code of Conduct
Respect physical and emotional space of other attendees.
If you need assistance at any time, please ask a NeurodiverseNW Ambassador for help.
Inappropriate behavior may result in dismissal from the event.
Please refrain from perfumes or other fragrances and be aware of sensory needs of other attendees.